Typis Wechelianus

Dublin Core


Typis Wechelianus



Printer Item Type Metadata

Printer's name

Chrestien Wechel, Andreas Wechelianus (Elder), Andreas Wechelianus (Younger), Margarethe Wechel, David Wechel, Heredes Claude Marne, Clement Scleich, Daniel Aubry, David Aubry

Biographical Text

Andreas Wechel was his own printer in 16th c. His father, Chrestien Wechel (1495-1554) , was active as a printer in Paris. On his father's death, Andreas takes over the business, moving it to Frankfurt in 1572. He died in 1581, as the mark "Andreae Wechelis Heredes" appears in 1582. In the early 17th century there seems to be a merger of the younger Andreas Wechel with his mother Margarethe (1611), his brother David and the heirs of Johann I. Aubry. Together with Margarethe and David Aubry, 1602-1610 they were in cooperation with Claude Marne, from 1611-1614 with David Aubry, the heirs of Claude Marne, (from 1614-1627) and Clemens II Schleich.




Only Chetien Wechel's motto from Paris is known:
Unicum arbustum haud alit duos Erithacos.
One bush doesn't feed two robins.

City and Country

Frankfurt, Germany
Paris, France


Some information came from Lijst van Drukkers: Name list of Printers in the Utrecht University Library. from http://drukkers.library.uu.nl/en/frames1024x768.htm, which is now a defunct site.
